Monday, March 1, 2010

Con Patas Arriba

The title of this blog entry "con patas arriba" has two meanings for me right now. Literally it means with paws up. So I have taken a few days to put my feet up in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas after two weeks in Oventic, Chiapas, where the other meaning comes in- like everything is turned on its head.

Not completely, it was exactly what I was looking for in fact so this is a good thing. But it makes me think my idea of investigating community intentional or otherwise is not as cool or original as I thought. There are amazing people who have lived in the communities here for years with just the intention of living and learning for themselves the ways of mayan descendents of Chiapas, who later were asked to write books and histories of their experiences. I was in a Caracol, which is different than a community for barely two weeks! Lame! But really awesome at the same time. As you can tell I have been having some internal conflicts.

Being in Mexico has a different feeling than any other place I have been. There are so many tourists here, specifically in San Cristobal that many people who live here see the tourists as a way to make a dollar, which makes sense. I mean the poverty of the common people has been created by the countries we come from, subsidized imports of corn, the infiltration of coca-cola, the capitalistic clutches on all resources in general. We are confronted with it everywhere we turn, capitalism and the poverty it creates side by side. Also many of the businesses that are doing really well by way of the tourist industry are owned by expatriates or people who live in the US or Europe. It creates conflict on an economic level. People are still opressed and the opressor is still the US and Europe1
I have had the privilage to meet some local people who involved in activism and permaculture, which is very exciting. I hope to investigate these projects further. But right now I will be taking a few days to do some touristy things. There is a bike tour to a community I hope to do tomorrow.

One really cool thing happened on Saturday when I was having an especially conflicted day.. I was staying at an Urban Ashram called Casa Plena, and the woman in my room was telling me that there was an organic farmers market next door. I left around 9 am and saw no market activity. When I returned at 11 AM the once empty courtyard was full of life and color of vegetables greens, kale, carrots, cilantro, peas,, cool weather crops.! there was also baked goods. I have also found natural yogurt for sale - all the ameneties are here in the this foward thinking town.. I look forward to my time here, but may have to head to the warmth of the beach for a few days, nest week.

Will post again soon!

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