Wednesday, February 10, 2010

From LA to Mexico

I don´t feel quite ready to post- it has been a long couple days of little sleep and travel. I have about 15 minutes left at the internet cafe and after trying to get my blog to appear before me on this computer screen seems a small miracle - I must post. It has been one of those days that seems like two days because of all the stimuli and newness. I met two professors from California at breakfast. I got online this morning with no blog success. I went to a Cafe Havana where Che and Fidel supposedly met and planned their revolucion. I walked until I stumbled upon a Museum of murals and architecture. powerful Diego Rivera among other representing. I had a spanish class with two tutors offered by the Casa de los Amigos where I am staying in Mexico City. I took a nap and made lunch and had various conversations with people here at the house. I have a travel companion tomorrow as I travel south to Oaxaca for several nights. I find I must keep focused on what I am doing here, investigating community, in some form. I plan to do a few tourist things but struggle with all the amazing things I could occupy my time with. I can´t wait to be in the country, I have some trepedation as well it is supposed to be cold there. I will summon my Michigan strength against the cold.
Hope to add soon there is much to tell.


  1. Wow. That is a lot of stuff for one day. And being in the cafe where Fidel and Che met to plan a revolution? That is CRAZY!!

    Keep the posts coming. I am lovin' hearing about your adventure.
