Saturday, September 18, 2010

"the moon for a ceiling, the earth for a floor"

I have had difficulty writing or thinking of anything to write that is compelling lately. Writer's block? I would think there would be immense amounts to write- something thoughtful and compelling- oh no I used the same word twice- this is horrible- a bad start to a belated attempt, but no one wants to hear what is the word for putting yourself down?

Let me tell you something I have learned though- about myself, I am crazy to ride my bicycle alone from Maine to North Carolina, especially on the Blue Ridge Parkway. So say the many strangers I run into on this road- (unless they are calling me a hero haha). In planning this trip I had no idea I would be on this road specifically the 75th anniversary year of this road that is rich with history of this country and I think about what is the meaning of this- Me on a journey to investigate intentional community on a bicycle riding through a tapestry of mountains and streams that defined the landscape of all those people who came from Europe and other places to call this place home, creating their own communities by, dare I say it?, destroying human and ecological communities already in existance. The evidence is still here- the growing up of non-native species, the hillsides covered with rows of christmas trees- a blaring contrast to what was found 400 years ago.
So what does this have to do with me and my adventure-? I guess the themes of connection and change have come up quite a bit for me- The importance of both. As a solo cyclist it has been important to be connected to people I know already and create connections in healthy ways on the road and with people I meet in homes and communities. Change is obvious- all the communities I have visited have changed in sometimes major ways, such as changing physical location, sometimes members change, sometimes rules for membership change, but the ones I have seen that have lasted are able to change and adapt.
Somehow I now want solve the damages to this country through what I have learned here about connection and change, hmmm. Waiting for an enigma.....
During this adventure year I have learned possible ways of recreating and redeeming this place I call home- to create a community where peaceful ways can be nurtured and where knowledge of local ecology AND HOW TO GROW YOUR OWN FOOD is priority. This kind of gathering of people is what I am looking for.
Because truly- this is our home- the moon is the ceiling and the earth our floor- thanks for saying it so well Seth Bernard.

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